- 40 Grosvenor Road
- Birkdale
- Southport
- Merseyside
- PR8 2ET
Welcome to Birkdale URC! Privacy notice
Birkdale United Reformed Church exists to worship God and serve the community.
Have a look round our website, come and join us at worship.
February already!
It's February and we're looking forward!
Lent is almost upon us, with Shrove Tuesday on March 4th.
The Team of Churches will be holding Lent meetings on Tuesdays 11th, 18th, 25th March and 1st & 8th April, at Ainsdale Village Church in Station Road art 2pm.
Come along and learn about Lent and Easter.
Good Friday will be 18th April and Easter Day 20th April.
If you would like to come closer to God, join us on Sunday mornings. Worship starts at 10:45, with time for chat or contemplation beforehand. We're usually open around 10:15am.
Click here to see our Come To Church page
We also have a number of community groups which meet in our church hall. If you fancy something new have a look at our
Christmas Toy Service
The second Sunday in Advent saw us hold our Toy Service, at which members, friends and the Uniformed Organisations donated toys to be given to children who might otherwise not receive a Christmas present. As you can see, a good number of gifts was received and were passed on to the Rotary Club.
Scouts' Remembrance Memorial
The Scouts have been busy again, creating this memorial to those who died or suffered in conflicts around the world. We are most grateful to them for their imaginative memorials.
If you would like to join us for our Remembrance Sunday service, please come along for the 10:45am start. You'll be most welcome!
Tea and coffee are served after morning worship.
MacMillan Coffee Mornings
After our MacMillan Coffee Morning, Southport U3A Ballroom Dancing Group held a Ballroom Dance Coffee Morning. A great time was had by all and they raised £260 which was added to the church's own collection, giving a total of £510 to go to this worthy cause.
After the Summer?
Look at our Community Groups!
Our Sing for Fun choir is back on Monday evenings from 2nd September. Find them here.
Leaders of all major faiths in the UK have joined together to condemn the recent violence that followed on from the attack on the dance class in Hart Street.
Grosvenor Jazz tickets ON SALE NOW!
Same format as usual, with excellent jazz accompanied by a light interval supper. Ticket price has been held at £12:50. What a bargain!
This year you can buy your tickets for all performances at the same time. Contact Brian (07817 540 133) or Iain (07860 902 061) See grosvenorjazz.com for dates and bands.
There will also be a raffle held to raise funds for Queenscourt Hospice. Last season this raised £1,614.25p
Our next Lunch clubs will be held on Tuesdays every two weeks. For £5 you can have a main course, dessert and tea or coffee in good company with other older people. A great chance to meet new friends! Please call Jane at One-To-One on 01704 808296 as soon as possible to book your place.
Here is the Remembrance Day Tribute from the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
The painted bottles are made to resemble headstones in War Grave cemeteries and each one has a painted tribute on it. They are displayed on the grass in front of the church.
Hilary, our minister, held a short dedication service on Friday. They were illuminated by battery tea lights. The effect was very atmospheric.
Being Church
is an initiative from Mersey Synod aimed at looking at who we are, what our church means to us and where we can expect to go in future. We have two books on the history of our church and they have been made available is downloadable PDFs. Find them in our Church History page.
Meet our minister!
Rev Hilary Smith joined us from Parkgate and Neston URC. She joins Rev Peter Lyth in looking after the Southport and Formby team of URC churches.
If you would like to get to know a bit about her look to our News page.
Sunday Morning Worship
Do come and join us for Sunday Morning Worship! Our services involve prayer, hymns and music and we'd love it if you came to join us!
Services will continue to start at 10:45am and last for 40 to 45 minutes. See our Come to Church page...
We look forward to seeing you!
Our community involvement
Look at our What's On page to see which groups are meeting and when.
We will make you welcome, so drop in or contact us.